MoralDNA for Managers

Ask everyone in your team to complete MoralDNA.

Use this discussion to create a climate of psychological safety and create a culture of doing the right thing at work.

Whether you are facing challenges with inappropriate behaviour or whether you want to make a good team even better, this is one of the best things you can do.

Open a discussion about moral values and decision making.

What every team member will get:

  • A personalised profile that analyses their ethics and values.
  • A short, readable eBook that will enable them to make better decisions going forward.

What you will get:

  • Anonymized team profiles, ready to be used in a presentation.
  • Half an hour remote session with two subjects: What the results say, how to use them for improving your team. 
MoralDNA for Managers was last modified: October 3rd, 2024 by Moral DNA