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Personal Profiling

For free, forever - be part of acknowledged world-wide research.

Discover important insights into how you make decisions in your personal life.

Professional Profiling

If you are interested to learn about your professional decision making and you moral values of yourself or your co-workers, you will be given the chance to upgrade.

What to expect…

The free, personal MoralDNA profiling only takes about about 3 minutes to complete. The full version takes about 10.

Research not sales

It is up to you what personal data you share with us. But, rest assured, we only ever share anonymized data (this means you cannot be identified) with our research partners.

Just so we’re clear, your name and email (if given):

  • Will not be shared with third parties, unless we need to process payment.
  • Will not be used in advertising or marketing.
  • Will be deleted after one year.

Please read about how we look after your data here.

Your name
Your e-mail address